We are Getting Married!

Our wedding will be held in the beautiful colonial town of Antigua, Guatemala on the 12th of December 2021. We would like to celebrate this special moment with you! Join us for a day of celebration among friends and family. We will update this page with additional details and resources as they become available. Don't forget to click on the golden worded links for additional information on recommended lodging locations , maps, and pictures. We would greatly appreciate if you could RSVP by 1 October 2021. We understand that as much as some of you might want to make it, we know in the current situation not all will be able to. We would appreciate it if you could let us know by putting '0' in the RSVP form below or texting us. Please do no hesitate to reach out to us with any questions. We look forward to celebrating with all Of you!

Nuestra boda se llevará a cabo en la hermosa ciudad colonial de Antigua, Guatemala, el 12 de diciembre de 2021. ¡Nos gustaría celebrar este momento especial con ustedes! Únase a nosotros para un día de celebración entre amigos y familiares. Actualizaremos esta página con detalles y recursos adicionales a medida que estén disponibles. No olvide hacer clic en los enlaces dorados para obtener información adicional sobre ubicaciones de alojamiento recomendadas, mapas e imágenes. Le agradeceríamos enormemente si pudiera confirmar su asistencia antes del 1 de octubre de 2021. Entendemos que por mucho que algunos de ustedes quieran hacerlo, sabemos que en la situación actual no todos podrán hacerlo. Le agradeceríamos que nos lo hiciera saber poniendo '0' en el formulario de confirmación de asistencia a continuación o ensanándonos un mensaje de texto. Por favor, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros con cualquier pregunta. ¡Esperamos celebrar con todos ustedes!

Covid-19 Information

Please check the US Embassy website, https://gt.usembassy.gov/alert-covid-19-2/ for the latest updates on COVID-Travel Requirements to Guatemala and from Guatemala to the USA. The website also provides locations in Guatemala to get a COVID test administered. As of 11/17/21 - To travel to Guatemala you need proof of being fully vaccinated OR have a qualified COVID test done no more than 3 days before departure. To travel back to the US, for US Citizens and Permanent Residents you need proof of being fully vaccinated AND a qualified COVID test no more than 3 days before travel. If not fully vaccinated you need a qualified COVID test no more than a day before traveling. In addition, it is recommended that you register for the US Embassy's STEP Program https://step.state.gov/ for notifications, updates, and emergencies. Please check the websites for the latest guidance.

Consulte el sitio web de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos, https://gt.usembassy.gov/alert-covid-19-2/ para obtener las últimas actualizaciones sobre los requisitos de viaje de COVID a Guatemala y de Guatemala a los Estados Unidos. El sitio web también proporciona ubicaciones en Guatemala para que se administre una prueba de COVID. A partir del 17/11/21 - Para viajar a Guatemala necesita prueba de estar completamente vacunado O hacerse una prueba de COVID calificada no más de 3 días antes de la salida. Para viajar de regreso a los Estados Unidos, para los ciudadanos estadounidenses y residentes permanentes, necesita una prueba de estar completamente vacunado Y una prueba de COVID calificada no más de 3 días antes del viaje. Si no está completamente vacunado, necesita una prueba de COVID calificada no más de un día antes de viajar. Además, se recomienda que se registre en el Programa STEP de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos https://step.state.gov/ para notificaciones, actualizaciones y emergencias. Consulte los sitios web para obtener la orientación más reciente.

General Information

You are welcome to book a shuttle to/from Airport/Antigua and tours at English: Antigua Tours; Spanish: Antigua Tours. The current conversion rate is approximately 1 Dollar = 7.80 Quetzales. Most places take visa/mastercard Debit/Credit Card. Recommended to take some cash but not a lot. Use ATM's inside of Banks if more cash is needed. The airport has a currency exchange. Check your cell-phone service provider to see if you will have service there and any charges that may apply. Some good Apps to download: Google/Microsoft Translate; WhatsAPP, GoogleMaps with Guatemala Map downloaded on your phone for offline use. If you will not have service or its too expensive you can probably buy a SIM card at the Airport or Antigua to use with Guatemala cell service provider (TIGO, Claro, MoviStar)

Le invitamos a reservar un servicio de transporte desde / hacia el aeropuerto / Antigua y excursiones en Español: Spanish: Antigua Tours. La tasa de conversión actual es de aproximadamente 1 Dólar = 7.80 Quetzales. La mayoría de los lugares aceptan tarjeta de débito / crédito visa / mastercard. Se recomienda llevar algo de efectivo, pero no mucho. Use los cajeros automáticos dentro de los bancos si se necesita más efectivo. El aeropuerto tiene un cambio de divisas. Consulte a su proveedor de servicios de telefonía celular para ver si tendrá servicio allí y cualquier cargo que pueda aplicarse. Algunas buenas aplicaciones para descargar: Google / Microsoft Translate; WhatsAPP, GoogleMaps con Guatemala Map descargado en su teléfono para su uso sin conexión. Si no va a tener servicio o es demasiado caro, probablemente pueda comprar una tarjeta SIM en el aeropuerto o Antigua para usar con el proveedor de servicios celulares de Guatemala (TIGO, Claro, MoviStar)

How we met

411 New York Avenue NE, November 2013 It all started when a rundown warehouse in northeast DC turned into an art gallery for the night. Hosting a unique art exhibition to benefit a DC-based non profit, the gallery featured custom, hand-painted and graphically designed skate decks, all up for silent auction. Among the list of artists was Laura and among the attendees… you guessed it, was Erick. The two were introduced by Laura’s cousin Ana, who was Erick’s housemate at the time. In very DC fashion, Erick talked about his work, his love for his career and his upcoming deployment, meanwhile Laura kept looking at the clock. She was only to be at the gallery for one hour before making it to her next event. You see, Laura had overbooking tendencies, some would even argue she suffered from FOMO. The following morning Laura would wake up to a Facebook friend request from Erick, whose profile picture was one of him kissing the skateboard she painted. Does it get any smoother than this? The friend request turned into an add friend, the chats turned into texts, the texts to calls, the calls to dates, and the dates into making a life together.


4 - 10 December

Lake Atitlan, Guatemala All Day

Come Join us before the wedding. We will be hosting an infomral brunch on Thursday, 9 December around 11am. If you're in the area, feel free to drop by our place in San Marcos de la Laguna, in what many describe as the 'Most Beautiful Lake in The world', Lake Atitlan. The lake is surrounded by three majestic volcanoes that you can hike up to. There are many Mayan communities throughout the lake and the only way to get to each community is a lancha or a boat as there is no road connecting the communities. In each community you will see the the vibrant colors of the Mayan culture as women wear their traditional attire. You can find a place to stay on Airbnb, We recommend staying in the villages of Panajachel (the biggest community around the lake), San Marcos de la Laguna, Santa Cruz de la Laguna, and Santa Catarina Polopo as they have the best views of the Volcanoes. Check out this video of Lake Atitlan

Ven y únete a nosotros antes de la boda. Organizaremos un brunch infomral el jueves 9 de diciembre alrededor de las 11 am. Si estás en la zona, no dudes en pasar por nuestro lugar en San Marcos de la Laguna,, en lo que muchos describen como el 'Lago más hermoso del mundo', el Lago de Atitlán. El lago está rodeado por tres majestuosos volcanes a los que se puede subir. Hay muchas comunidades mayas en todo el lago y la única forma de llegar a cada comunidad es una lancha o un bote, ya que no hay una carretera que conecte las comunidades. En cada comunidad verá los colores vibrantes de la cultura maya mientras las mujeres usan su atuendo tradicional. Puedes encontrar un lugar para hospedar en Airbnb, te recomendamos hospedarte en los pueblos de Panajachel (la comunidad más grande alrededor del lago), San Marcos de la Laguna, Santa Cruz de la Laguna y Santa Catarina Polopo ya que tienen las mejores vistas de los Volcanes. Mira este video del Lago Atitlan

10th of December

Welcome To Antigua, Social Hour 4:00 - 5:30 PM

We would like to personally welcome our friends and family to Antigua on Friday the 10th. Join us for a social hour between 4:00-5:30pm at the rooftop of Los Tres Tiempos, Antigua. Located right next to the yellow clock tower/arch, Address: 5 Avenida Norte No. 31, Calle del Arco, Antigua, GT; Phone: +502 7832 5161

Nos gustaría dar la bienvenida personalmente a nuestros amigos y familiares a Antigua el viernes 10. Únase a nosotros para una hora social entre las 4:00 y las 5:30 p.m. en la azotea de Los Tres Tiempos, Antigua.. Situado justo al lado de la torre/arco del reloj amarillo, Dirección: 5 Avenida Norte No. 31, Calle del Arco, Antigua, GT; Teléfono: +502 7832 5161

12th of December

Wedding Ceremony 3:00 - 4:00 PM

The ceremony will be held in the historical church ruin 'Santa Rosa de Lima'. Originally built in 1545, the church has withstood earthquakes, volcano erruptions, and revolutions. The ceremony will start promptly at 3:30pm, please arrive early to be seated by 3:10PM

La ceremonia se llevará a cabo en la histórica ruina de la iglesia 'Santa Rosa de Lima'. Originalmente construida en 1545, la iglesia ha resistido terremotos, volcanes y revoluciones. La ceremonia comenzará puntualmente a las 3:30 p.m., llegue temprano para sentarse a las 3:10 p.m.

Cocktail Hour 4:30 - 5:30 PM

After the ceremony, please join our friends and family for drinks, hors d'oeuvre and live Marimba right outside the ruin.

Después de la ceremonia, únase a nuestros amigos y familiares para tomar una copa, entremeses y escuchar Marimba en vivo justo afuera de la ruina.

Reception 5:30 - 11:00 PM

The outdoor reception will take place in the garden area of the ruin. Be prepared to eat, drink and dance to live music.

La recepción al aire libre tendrá lugar en la zona ajardinada de la ruina. Prepárate para comer, beber y bailar con música en vivo.

Recommended Attire

Our wedding and reception will be held outdoors. During the day temperatures are in the mid 70's and in the evening and night time temperatures can drop into the mid 50's. We suggest to avoid thin heels and recommend flats or wedges in order to walk around comfortably.

Nuestra boda y recepción se llevarán a cabo al aire libre. Durante el día las temperaturas están a mediados de los 70 y en la tarde y la noche las temperaturas pueden caer a mediados de los 50. Sugerimos evitar los tacones delgados y recomendar planos o cuñas para caminar cómodamente.

A picture is worth a thousand words!

Help us capture the moment, tag your photos with the hashtag #AtoZ

Engagement Photos

Thank you Ann-Marie, aka Ana Maria, for beautifully capturing our love. @AnnMarieVanTassell

How do I get there?

It's way easier than you think, if staying in Antigua, the venue is walking distance from almost anywhere or a short uber ride there. For more information please take a look at our Google Earth Tour where you can find out more about travel distances from the Airport to Antigua or Lake Atitlan, information about the Airport, and an overview of Antigua and our Venue location. Also, feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.

   Show info
Santa Rosa de Lima Ruin

1A Calle Oriente 36, Antigua, Guatemala

Google Earth Tour

We can't wait for you to join us!

We would greatly appreciate if you could RSVP before 1 October 2021. Don't forget to find your invite code on your invitation or you can contact us for the code.